Artificial sweeteners consumed during pregnancy alter gut microbiome in unborn babies
suming sweeteners like stevia and aspartame when pregnant can increase your child’s risk of obesity, according to a recent study.
suming sweeteners like stevia and aspartame when pregnant can increase your child’s risk of obesity, according to a recent study.
Research has uncovered the connection between severe COVID-19 cases and GI symptoms. Poor gut health can adversely affect how the body responds to the disease.
Before men contracted HIV in the early days of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, they had a greater abundance of pro-inflammatory vs. anti-inflammatory gut microbes compared to men that remained HIV-negative, according to a new study.
Microbes within the microbiome, which include a variety of viruses, fungi, and bacteria, can irritate the lining of the colon, resulting in inflammation. This can lead to cancer because of mutations in the DNA of cells in the colon.
A recent study focusing on the gut microbiome may be a vital link to groundbreaking future treatment of gastrointestinal ailments such as irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, and slow transit constipation.
Like humans, microbiota of black bears is significantly altered by consuming processed foods, according to new research.