First immune system connectivity map could yield better therapies for cancers, infectious diseases
Researchers from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute have created the first-ever map of immune system connections.
Researchers from the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute have created the first-ever map of immune system connections.
The immune system’s ability to differentiate a strange pathogen from the cells and tissue of the body is because of an immune cell called T-cells.
The studies identify three bile acid metabolites with corresponding bacterial genes that affect inflammation-regulating immune cells.
A new study from the Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center describes the microorganism Candida albicans, a fungus, as friend rather than foe.
The food taken into your body can influence the release of a metabolic byproduct made by a specific gut microbe that regulates immunity.
Yogurt, kimchi, kefir, and kombucha tea may not be staples in many diets, but a recent study by Stanford School of Medicine researchers has discovered that large servings of these and other fermented foods give the immune system a big boost.